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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Produced, distributed, consumed – making optimum use of solar energy

18/09/2023 / Leobendorf
After acquiring a PV system including a Fronius hybrid inverter and a battery storage system, the Huber family has now also opted for an electric car and our Fronius Wattpilot EV charging solution, and now consumes most of their solar power themselves.

The Huber family has lived for more than ten years in a passive house in Leobendorf, Bavaria (D). The sustainability-conscious family feels exceptionally comfortable in their home because of its pleasant interior climate – as well as its low energy demand. Starting with the construction of the house, Tamara and Franz Huber attached great importance to the use of renewable energies and an energy-saving construction method.

The couple consciously opted for solar energy as their energy supply, and first purchased a PV system including a Fronius Symo GEN24 Plus hybrid inverter with a total output of 8.5 kWp. A few years later, the PV system was supplemented with a 7.7 kWh battery storage system from BYD so that the family of four can use their self-generated solar power not only during the day but also when the sun is no longer shining. With Fronius, the Huber family brings 24 hours of sun into their home. 

» This means we can run the washing machine or dishwasher even late at night – without a guilty conscience. We’ve produced the electricity ourselves during the day and now use it at night as well. «

Comprehensive energy solution from Fronius – from the roof to the garage

The next step was a logical consequence for the Huber couple: “We have a PV system and a storage tank. So it became obvious we should get an electric car along with a charging solution. That’s when we decided on the Fronius Wattpilot,” Tamara Huber adds. The positive experiences with Fronius from the past were decisive for this.

» The reason we chose the Fronius Wattpilot is that we are super satisfied with the storage system as well as the PV system and inverter from Fronius. Everything runs smoothly here. «

Tamara and Franz Huber now charge their e-car sustainably and cost-efficiently at home with their Fronius Wattpilot Home e-car charging box. “When I charge the car with regular grid power, it costs a fraction of what I would pay for diesel. But if I now charge our e-car with PV electricity, it's virtually free,” says Tamara Huber happily.

With their comprehensive solution, the Huber family saved a total of around EUR 2,600 in energy costs in 2022 and also reduced their carbon footprint enormously: in 2022, the family was able to save 3 tons of carbon emissions as a result. This equates to the amount emitted by a car with an internal combustion engine being driven around 12,000 kilometers.

Dynamic load balancing distributes power optimally

The Fronius Wattpilot charges the Huber family’s e-car with surplus PV power or at the guaranteed lowest grid power rate. Dynamic load balancing ensures that the total amount of electricity available in the household – that is, both the output of the PV system and the energy consumed in the household – is managed in the best possible way. To do this, a Fronius Smart Meter measures the current amount of electricity required at the connection point, optimally distributing the electricity and effectively preventing overloading in the home connection. This also reduces connection costs to a minimum. Another advantage: with dynamic load balancing, up to three vehicles can be charged and controlled in an energy-optimized way with the Fronius Wattpilot. This makes the Fronius Wattpilot a long-term support for the Huber family, reliably providing mobility to their family over time when a future e-car is considered for the youngest family members.

Small amounts of electricity used intelligently

When it comes to self-consumption, Fronius hybrid inverters, battery storage and the Fronius electric charging solution together form an unbeatable team: optimally coordinated with each other, they provide the Huber family with an increasingly self-sufficient and cost-efficient energy supply. “First and foremost, all the consumers in the house are supplied – that is, the heating, ventilation and all kitchen appliances. What’s left over is stored in the battery,” explains Franz Huber. When the battery is 70% full, the electric car is also charged with PV power. Only then is the remaining electricity fed into the public grid.

“The Fronius Wattpilot can also feed small amounts of electricity into a car. This is perfect because the car is charged from as little as 1,400 watts.”, says Franz Huber.

The Fronius Wattpilot can automatically switch between 1 and 3 phases when charging with surplus PV power and regulate in 1-ampere increments. This means that even low charging currents are reliably charged into the e-car – and even the smallest amount of solar power from the owner’s PV system is optimally used.

Backup power supply via the PV Point

With the PV Point of the Fronius GEN24 Plus hybrid inverter, the family can use an integrated basic backup power supply in the event of a power outage. A power outlet is supplied with PV power in the event of a power outage, so smaller loads such as a radio or mobile phone can be charged.

Step by step to becoming a green prosumer 

 “We can do quite a lot with the sun here. This makes us independent or more self-sufficient in terms of energy,” Tamara Huber says happily. Thanks to targeted investments and purchases, the entire family now produces and uses its own self-generated solar power more and more effectively and in larger quantities. We’re proud that we’ve been able to advise and support the Huber family in their decision-making process and that they opted for a comprehensive energy solution from Fronius.


From EV charging solutions to inverters: Would you also like to support your customers in their own step-by-step energy transitions? Find out all about our suitable products and solutions here.



System output  8.5 kWp
Fronius components Symo GEN24 Plus, Wattpilot
Battery storage BYD Battery Box Premium HVS 7.7 kWh
Carbon emissions saved About 3 tons per year, which is the equivalent of 12,027 km driven
Percentage of self-sufficiency 63% in 2022, nearly 100% in the summer months 
Features Ecological passive house in timber frame construction, building materials used mostly from renewable raw materials

On sunny days, the Huber family achieves up to 99% self-sufficiency.

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